Mechelle Wingle

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Mechelle is a founding partner of The Wholeness Network. In addition, Mechelle is a gifted teacher and mentor. She is continually learning and developing her gifts - expanding truth is her delight.
Her gift of love is one of her greatest assets. She accepts and loves people with all backgrounds. Her hope is to find common ground with all she comes in contact with and help humanity bridge the “gaps” that seem to separate us.
Mechelle has been featured in Women’s Health Magazine as well as several television segments. Her take on weight loss is revolutionary. She helps clients understand and take action and, at the same time, supports them in learning to love themselves as they are. She authored the book, “A Mentality Workout: Exercises for Permanent Weight Loss” in 2015 after keeping her own weight off for 8+ years.
Mechelle’s favorite attribute has been that of wife and mother. The precious souls she has shared a home with for over 26 years have been her greatest teachers, her biggest cheerleaders, and her closest friends. Spending time with them - especially on vacation - is her favorite pastime.
Certified Natural Healing - Weber State University
Master Energy Therapist - Mindvalley Academy
Holy Love Karuna Reiki Master - Intern'l Center for Reiki Training
Munay-ki Rites - Spirit Keepers Tribe
Heart Centered Therapy - Chikly Institute
Brain Reflex - Chikly Institute
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Achology
NLP - Auspicium UK
Treating Trauma Master - NICABM